


· Polish start-ups from the Małopolska Startup Rocket Project attended one of the biggest events for the connectivity industry, which is MWC Barcelona. Fairs were enriched with the 4YFN platform that aims to connect startups, investors and large corporations


Małopolska Start-up Rocket (MSR) is one of the Economic Accelerator’s projects dedicated to the Małopolska Region. It is located in the south of Poland and innovative SMEs play a crucial role in the overall economic development of the region. Małopolska has a rich intellectual capital supported by some of the best universities in the country and an entrepreneurial spirit of local people. Furthermore, Cracow, the biggest city of the region, was indicated as the Europe’s second and the world’s eighth most investment attractive city (Tholons Services Globalization City Index). In 2016, Małopolska was granted with the European Entrepreneurial Region Award (EER) by the European Committee of the Regions.

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